Thursday, February 2, 2012

Early to Bed...

The boys went to bed at 6:55pm this evening, quite possibly the earliest I've ever put them to bed.  I'm not sure if this was an appropriate punishment for the disastrous mess they created, but I was ready for some peace and quiet!  Usually every day when John gets home from work around 5 he takes the boys down to the basement to play while I prepare dinner.  Well, being as John is out of town this week, they were left to entertain themselves while I slaved away over a hot stove.  When dinner was ready I went downstairs to get the boys and the oldest instantly greeted me at the steps saying, "mommy don't come down here, it's reallllllly messy"  I chuckled and turned the corner anyways to find that the boy was right.  They had completely emptied all their books and my collection of magazines from the bookcase onto the surrounding floor.  The picture doesn't even do it justice folks, the boys practically have their own library with hundreds of books.  I somewhat kept my cool (ha!) , but as soon as they were done eating I bathed them and put them right to bed explaining to them that they were going to have a big mess to pick up tomorrow. Wonder how long it will take them to pick all these up and if I'll have any patience left by the time they're done?!