This little guy should be making his appearance by the first week of December. I can't wait to meet him and see what he looks like. Ohhhhh, look at that little upper lip...I just want to kiss it! 9 months is torture! I keep saying that it would be so funny if he came out with brown hair, that would complete our little hair color palette we have going on. I will say, he made me pretty sick in the beginning, but so did the other two. He's pretty active, there is one specific area of my uterus that I think he has actually bruised. But man, what pregnant mom doesn't love to feel that baby kick a lot?!?! This little boy's arrival ought to be awfully interesting. My oldest is ready, he's been through this before, but my baby... he's not going to take it so well I'm afraid. We shall see!
He's HERE!!!! Baby boy made his grand appearance into this world on November 28th at 8 pounds 5 ounces and 20 1/4 inches. Needless to say we are hopelessly in love with him!