Middle boy

This is my middle boy.  I can't hardly resist his cuteness on a daily basis.  It's almost cuteness overload.  Okay this is totally something only a mother would understand, but I just want to eat him...Or maybe I'm the only mom who feels that way?  I don't know, but he is just so darn cute to me!  He will be 2 on October 16th.  And he will be a big brother in December which I am extremely nervous about, considering he screams bloody murder every time I hold another baby.  And I still refer to him as my baby.  His red hair comes from both sides of the family as neither my hubby nor I have it.  You would not believe how many comments you get about your child when he/she has red hair.  I've heard everything from "you know, red heads are becoming extinct"  to, "OH!  He must be the mailman's child"  yes...a complete stranger actually had the nerve to say this to me, luckily I have a sense of humor.  This child is a daredevil compared to the oldest.  He chipped half of one of his teeth off at the age of 7 months climbing on the steps (probably doesn't make me sound like the best mom huh?).  He is a nose stuffer.  Have you heard of this?  I think it is genetic...he gets it from my middle sister (maybe it's a middle child thing?)  He stuffs anything he can get up his nose when you aren't looking.  One day he sneezed about 20 times within a 10 min time period and 5 different letters of the alphabet came out of his nose.  I'm not kidding folks, but that's a whole other post!  I can't take my eye off this one.