Monday, September 26, 2011

My little soccer star

So, my oldest boy is 3 1/2 and what better age to start him into sports huh? (insert sarcasm).  But really, we did want him to be involved in some type of activity in which he learns teamwork (and burns off some of that excess energy).  So we found about the only sport we could in our area that starts at age three, and that would be soccer.  He actually LOVES it!  He loves putting on all his tiny little soccer gear and running around aimlessly kicking the ball.  My hubby and I neither one played the sport, so we don't have the first clue how it works, we weren't even sure how to put the shin guards on at first.  Thursday he had his first game and it was adorable to see a bunch of pint sized guys running around laughing and kicking the ball.  Talk about cute!  I vowed I would never become one of those ultra-competitive moms screaming from the sidelines (especially now since he's only three) but I actually found it hard to resist continually yelling "come on son, keep your eye on the ball...HURRY!  GO! GO! GO!"  it was a little embarrassing in hindsight.  Here's a shot of him in action!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Sunday we took the boys to an orchard to pick apples.  It was perfect!  They loved filling the bag with apples and there were definitely enough to fill lots and lots of bags.  It took the middle boy a little while to figure out that you don't grab the rotten ones from the ground, but it was so cute to see him finally get the hang of it and start picking them off the trees.  Those apples were delicious.  I ended up making a pie which you can see pictured under my food/flowers/favorites tab. (It tasted much better than it looked).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Boys will be boys

The boys were in a family member's wedding this weekend and they looked adorable in their little bitty tuxes.  The wedding was outside, it was a beautiful day!  We got the boys into their tuxes about 2 hours before the wedding started.  Boy oh boy talk about stressful.  Trying to keep them from rolling in the dirt, crawling around on their hands and knees, getting into sword fights with sticks, swinging from the railing on the stairs.  The tuxes survived (and the boys too for that matter). They were so handsome walking down the aisle :)

Friday, September 16, 2011


Friday is definitely my middle boy's favorite day of the week.  Mommy is off work, The older boy is in preschool, and he gets all the toys to himself.  I took him to the dollar store earlier and I forgot how easy it is to manage just one child in a store.  Whew...I may never leave the house when the third boy gets here!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Lately when I leave for work it's still dark, but this morning I was running about 10 minutes late and this was the view from my back porch.  Of course a picture doesn't do it justice but it makes me appreciate the beautiful nature scenes that God creates for us that I often take for granted.  And it makes me appreciate living in the country too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall is coming!!!

I was feeling like a super-momma today, so I ran home on my lunch break and whipped up a pot of chili, threw it in a crock pot and went right on back to work.  I know, I know...It's like 90 degrees outside today, but ever since September arrived I've been craving chili and a pregnant gal can't ignore a craving.  So, yes, I'll probably be up all night with the worst heartburn of my entire life (thanks to the baby who is currently occupying the majority of my abdominal space), but it will be worth every bite I assure you!  Chili is like my rite of passage to enter into Fall.  It's my favorite time of year!  I might just have to make a microwaved S'more for dessert ;)