Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday Morning Secrets

The boys woke up early Sunday morning before church and came toddling into our room to make sure we were up too.  The hubby and I were both trying to get ready so I put the boys up on our bed and turned on some cartoons and they rolled around and played for about 20 minutes.  It melted my heart and this picture says it all.  Amidst all their usual fighting, pinching, hitting, knocking down and screaming at each other, it reminds me that they really do love each other!  Or, they're just forming some sort of alliance before the third boy gets thrown into the mix!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween fun

I'm a few weeks behind on blogging, but I've finally mustered up the time and energy to make a new post!  Myself, the boys and the hubby really got into the Halloween festivities this year.  The oldest boy decided months before October that he wanted to be a pirate and since I love a good theme, I instantly decided they had to go as Peter Pan and Captain Hook.  Since I'm not one of those to make elaborate home-made costumes, and since every store you went into from Septemeber on had a wide variety of Pirate costumes, we went with some store-bought pirate garb that my mother-in-law found on clearance.  Now, the Peter Pan costume was a little trickier.  I looked everywhere and had no luck on a tot-sized Peter Pan costume.  I finally found the perfect little hat at a party store, ordered some green tights on-line and cut up a green t-shirt and brown felt for the rest...and there you have it, an adorable little Peter Pan, red hair and all!  Under my food/flowers/favorites tab you'll see some pics of the spooky treats we made for dinner on Halloween night.