Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mom and Dad

So, I've definitely been slacking in the blogging arena lately and I also haven't taken many photos for that matter.  I got in the photo library on my computer and began searching for a nice picture to post for today, and this one of my mom and dad  (AKA: Ma-maw and Pa-paw) popped out at me.  I love this picture of them, I took it recently at a family wedding.  They clean up quite nice :)  My mom and I are two peas in a pod.  She thinks I'm really high maintenance but I think she's really high maintenance (I think we're both in denial!)  My boys are absolutely obsessed with these two people!  My oldest begs me all the time to spend the night with Ma-maw and Pa-paw.  We live a couple hours apart which isn't too bad, but I still wish I could see them everyday!  Love you mom and dad!

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