Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Boy's Arrival

Our newest addition is finally here and we couldn't be happier.  On November 28th my big pregnant self rolled out of bed the best I could and thought, "wow, I've lost control of my bladder... great!"  When you get to the end of a 9 month pregnancy and you are about 50 pounds heavier with raging hormones and a signature waddle when you walk, not much comes as a surprise, including loss of bladder control.  The more steps I took the more I lost control and it only took me a few steps to realize that it wasn't my bladder, but my water had broke!  I was extremely excited as it was becoming increasingly difficult to await the arrival of my new little man.  We headed to the hospital around 11:30.  I wasn't having many contractions on my own, so around 1 o'clock they induced my labor and the game was on!  A few hours into labor I recieved my epidural at 7 centimeters and within 30 minutes baby boy was born after about 10 minutes of pushing.  There is absolutely nothing like that first glimpse of your baby...NOTHING!