Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yep...He's a Keeper

I could just stare at this tiny face all day long, and I practically do, in between cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, diaper changes and chasing the other two around!  We have all fallen in love with our newest addition.  Since my older two couldn't be more different, it is exciting to think about who he will become and what type of personality he will have.  What we've gathered so far is that he is quiet...well, kind of.  He doesn't cry often, but when he does it has the loudest volume I've heard from his age.  I think he's just competing with the general volume level of our household, which tends to be at a pretty high level.  So I guess you could say he is already adapting pretty well to his surroundings...Yep, he's a keeper!

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